Thursday, November 6, 2014

Wednesday Wandering : "cleaning out your car and meeting friends!"

This week's "Wednesday Wandering" takes me outside for a few on this wonderfully chilly rainy day.  Honestly - when it is raining I stay indoors - but oddly when I TRAVEL....I go outdoors.  I don't know why.  I haven't figured that out yet. :)  In St Louis I was on a mission to create...and even CREATE in the rain.  But here at home - I find I'm a true homebody. 

Except for today!!!!

Today, I have started cleaning out my car. 

Now to you, maybe this isn't a huge deal - but for me having done all this traveling and more traveling and less and LESS cleaning....MY CAR WAS A MESS. 

The outside had been freshly washed, the belt tensioner tightened....but the trash and props and more were just overly cluttering my life AHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!

So, phase 1 - I have completely taken out the trash, threw stuff in the recycle and next - I'll attempt to vacuum it later or tomorrow.  Then, probably wipe it down with armor all.  I always find that cleaning your car and home is just like cleaning out your mind & heart.  You have to ADDRESS what is going on inside so that your outside and inside collide.  There is a harmony when things are cleaned up.  Not perfect, just CLEANED UP.  :)

Don't ignore your mess.
Because then it turns into a disaster.
 You have the power right now, right here to deal with your mess and get moving into a less cluttered direction.  Sometimes I can't even think unless I de-clutter!  I need to BREATHE. I need to think.  I need to assess my mental and emotional health.

Phase ONE - done!!!! The car is reflecting a less-cluttered moment.
Phase TWO - finally leaving this house to meet friends. 

Wednesday Wandering: 
-where did you go today that was NOT your house.
-did you see the sky?
-did you see a friend? 

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