Friday, March 21, 2014

Creating something out of nothing.........STARTS with an idea.

I know the CREATIVES understand ideas....we probably have a MILLION of them!!! They are a constant riverflow of words and thoughts swirling around in our minds as we try to capture or caress what we want to say think and do.  But hooooow do we harness that to make art?

Well, the simplest of the simple is - TIME.  Taking a few moments to stare at a set of pictures you might have taken in the last 24 hours...and letting yourself gravitate towards an idea.  It might start with "hey, i really really like that color and shape going on here!".....and move towards...oh wow, from there i could blend these 2 backgrounds...what would THAT look like?  Asking yourself...what if? over and over and over.

This is the creative processing!

I start with an image that inspires me....and I move forward without fears or hangups.  No fears of failing or succeeding - simply WORKING THROUGH THAT PROCESS.  I loved soooo many of Brooke's classes because she does break down everything simply as an artist you could go through and do checklists and see what you think and feel about an image.  I think it is very helpful to have amazing teachers in your life that help you HARNESS your ideas to make a great story of them. :) So here is where I began....

We stopped out WAYYYY OUTTTTT towards a lake off I45 in the middle of the night almost.  Here we are at maybe dusk and I'm with my point and shoot trying to see about capturing some scenic stuff - you know, just trying stuff!!!!  So I was inspired by this because of the water and the twigs coming off the water.  It was a semi-rainy day so clouds were already a factor in our journey that entire time.   THIS is what I started with.

The very next day, I had a large fashion shoot that we put together...and in visiting that night's images plus THOSE images I was able to find an image I was happy to insert into the scene and figure out what was next.

This is a raw image of some of the stuff we shot that Sunday whilst I was playing I thought - hmm, this image might be fun!!!!  So i took it upon myself to play a bit more by trying to insert her into this scene I was creating combined with MORE and light create her world she was accessing.

Also into my background I had been inspired by the weird sunset clouds going I figured...hmm...let's play with THAT TOO.
see what i mean? WEIRD! look at that line!!!! :)
 So now...I've started my background....and now starting on my character....but to me, the landscape wasn't enough.  Her look and feel got me thinking about all those great light bursties I had captured the night before....and i started playing with the idea of placing that in too.  I think I went through about THREE options before finding one that worked for me.
starting to see it yet?????
So as I looked at my previous images.....and laid....and played....I found that morphing through the ideas and looks and textures....helped me to wind up close to my final product.  I honestly have a LOT TO LEARN about true finishing.  I think sometimes I jump the gun and finish too soon - or I go back and re-think or think too much about something.  I decided to COMMIT to this one because if I can't be honest about growth....then what is the POINT. I don't know what I'm doing and I'm following a formula in my mind that works for ME.  I'm trying to harness that INNER SELF and expression...and there is nothing easy about it.  NONE OF THIS COMES EASY!!!! :)  But i'm so glad i'm not scared to jump, leap and just keep going.

So I bring you to my final image for now...part of my story...and part of my creations....the extra texture came way later....and it was snow and rain droplets from my trip to Chicago. LOL :)

I hope you enjoy this and are inspired to create and "modge podge" your own pieces as you create your continual reality.  There is nothing like starting with your ideas...and whether they succeed or not is not the question....ARE YOU TAPPING INTO THEM...and making steps to make realities!!!!!!

All the best to you,
Happy Friday.

Love Jen

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