Thursday, May 22, 2014

New ART piece!!!!

I decided to make some time this evening for some art works that I've been needing to re-visit.  I try to live a life of balance and I have to sometimes remind myself..." Hey Jen, get back to your ART too!!!"  ....

So here I am tonite...revisiting my images from the Underwater class at After Dark Education Union Station 2014.  The lovely Brooke Shaden took us through simple tips and tricks she learned over time, trial and error.  When it was MY turn....I envisioned something "geometrical" with her hands....nothing too floaty and nothing too whimsy.  I had 2 opportunities to shoot...and I had to just be ok with playing around and directing those 2 images. :)

So, this was my "first" image....she took a breath...and went down with her hands positioned. 
I snapped a few images...the lighting was setup great (overhead sunlight through skylight)...and a black backdrop was already in the water.

As I stared at the art - I wanted to bring my style into this image...but giving her 4 hands instead of 2.  I just liked some of my "test" images with her reflection at chin level too.  So i had a few images to play with here. 

I also had made a trip to the Missouri Botanical Garden and snapped some textures and objects to maybe use in future.  Little did I of these snappy pictures would become her hat.  What do you think her hat is? :)

Enjoy this new piece. 

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